Thursday 7 August 2014



First of all, id just like to say sorry for not posting for a while. I have no excuse but to that i couldn't be bothered but now i have the courage to keep it up:). 

Hello everyone, as you've guessed by the title, yes i have a youtube.
I have wanted to do YouTube for a few years now. I have tried to do it twice before hand but the first time i stopped because i got bullied really bad for it and i didnt see the point in doing something at the time that makes me fee useless. The second time i just failed haha. As usual
But now i have realised that  sound let bullies effect what i want to do as a hobby . Its not their life, it mine. So i have created a new youtube channel. Yet again.

I have one video uploaded up to now. Not going to lie its a poo video. im awkward and it goes quiet but, hey its only my first video im sure i will get used to it.

You're probably wondering what my username is. My username is katez anates. I only have one video up at this moment in time, but im sure more will come along soon. So go and subscribe because it is free :). Make sure to comment suggestions for me to film .


Wednesday 28 May 2014

Common white girl tag.

Common White Girl Tag!

I seen Erika Saccone do a video on this so i just had to do a post, lol.
Check out Erika's channel she's amazing.

1. Favorite Starbucks drink? 
A chocolate cream with original cream.. sooo good
2. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 
probably 20-30 minutes. Depending if i have slept in then 5 minutes hah hah
3. How many selfies do you take on a daily basis?i don't take them EVERYDAY but when i do like 5/6, about 3 days a week.

4. How many IG followers and pics do you have? 807 followers and 80 photos.. follow me @katez_anates

5. Do you ever say “LOL” or “OMG” out loud? i say lol now and again. I did it a lot in school.
6. Do you wear the same clothing item more than once? yes? why waste money on clothes you're only going to wear once.
7. Are you racist? 
no, im not rude.

8. How many tweets do you have? 
52.7k :3

9. Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr?
All? urm Twitter i guess. idk i use them all but i get bored at times of them.
10. What do you spend most of your time doing?
Sleeping. Or on twitter/tumblr/instagram, watching youtube.

11. Who are your favorite YouTubers?
SacconeJolys, ItsJudysLife, Shaytards. 

12. How often do you do your nails?
when i can be bothered to. 1-4 weeks lol. it really depends if i can be bothered to sit and let them dry.

13. Are you a shopaholic?
YES!! when i eventually get money its gone so quick.

14. How many times have you watched Mean Girls? 
Once. I like it but i just haven't gone back to it.

15. Do you own a lot of clothes?
i own a decent amount. A decent amount that i don't wear to ahah.
16. Do you take pictures of your food before you eat it?
yes! always.
17. Do you wear makeup everyday?
if i'm going out i will but if i am just staying in the house i dont like to waste it.
18. What are your average grades in school?
bs-ds(im stupid lol)
19. How do you usually style your hair?
in the house messy bun or high pony. If at the gym high pony. If out in public (or at college) down, natural or straight. OR in a side plait.

20. Do you always look presentable?
meh, sometimes haha somedays i can really care what i look like, others i just think what the hell yolo

please do this, doing tags is a good way to find things out about your self.


Wednesday 16 April 2014



1: What are you wearing?
  Pyjamas;) thats okay isn't it ? it is 01:10 am hah hah

2: Ever been in love?
Nope. I'm only 16 got my full life ahead of me yet.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Nope, my last relationship was 3 weeks and we both sent the message saying i think we should split up at the exact same time so i think we both didn't want it haha. Although as soon as he found out i had made friends with some other lad he tried getting me back. Nah-uh boy move on. i see him around college now and again and we smile at each other but he has another girlfriend now. so i hope he's happy, because i am.
4: How tall are you?
5' 5.6  to be precise.
5: How much do you weigh?
Personal much? that is one thing i will never answer i hardly weigh my self, because scales are for fish as mammafulzo always says:)
6: Any tattoos?
Nope, not old enough sadly. But i wish to get some Disney ones soon heh heh. What's new, obvious is was gonna be Disney
7: Any piercings?
Nope to that one too. I was never interested in getting my ears done when i was younger and i'm still not interested. Not that i have anything wrong with people who have them but i just don't find them interesting.
8: OTP?
well zalfie obviously.
9: Favorite show?
It was American Horror Story but i got bored of it :/ so if you have any suggestions please share 
10: Favorite bands?
  urmm.. i don't really have a band favourites..i just tend to listen to a range of people.
11: Something you miss?
my grandad, nanna obviously. My dad he lieves the other side of england:(.i understand i get to see him more than some others whos fathers are in Afghanistan  and Iraq.  .
12: Favourite song?
Really don't care -Demi Lovato feat Cher Lloyd . i probably would say something off frozen but that'd be too hard haha.
13: How old are you?
16. im 17 in August. ugh august baby 
14: Zodiac sign?
VIRGO. i did not know that until now.
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Loving,caring. Shows that he's proud to have his girl. Can cook me food. Nice teeth and hair. Is there for her when she needs him the most. Protective but not too protective. Just nice in general.
16: Favorite Quote?
Life's a climb, but the view is great.
17: Favorite actor?
Daniel Radcliffe or Zac Efron.
18: Favorite color?
19: Loud music or soft?
Depends what mood im in. Medium music i shall say. 
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
My bed, sit on Tumblr,WeHeartIt,Twitter and just cry it out.
21: How long does it take you to shower?
10-30 minutes. it depends if its hair wash day, if ive just came home from the gym, or if i just want to think and sing.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
like 20-30 minutes. Depends how late i get up. Like i say i start college at 2pm ill get up at 1pm and start getting ready while watching YouTube. Im late basically everyday for college.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
when i was a kid yeah. Me and my old friend used to fight over the stupidest things. i was so aggressive :') bare in mind she's 1/2 years younger than me. We dont speak anymore.. she "grew up".
24: Turn on?
Ginger hair;) 
25: Turn off?
chav, speaks like a chav.
26: The reason I made a blog?
i needed something to do, something to write my emotions down (as you read in my first post)
27: Fears?
Never being able to start a family, being alone forever. Never being good enough.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
urm.. life in general.
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
last week, i messaged some of my friends telling them i loved them and how much i appreciate having them in my life
30: Meaning behind your blog Name?
Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory and my tumblr. my tumblr used to be take a look into your imagination, until i recently changed it (again).
31: Last book you read?
urmmmm..fully? urm... Jacqueline Wilson the suitcase kid.
32: The book you’re currently reading?
The Fault In Our Stars. Well ive read a few sentences, its currently sitting on my floor. i want to read it before the movie comes out.
33: Last show you watched?
34: Last person you talked to?
my friend Gabrielle. we said night via skype heh heh. 
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
well it was a boy and were ..."friends";)
36: Favorite food?
PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAA and McDonald's cheese burgers..mmmmm
37: Place you want to visit?
Salt lake city, Iowa, Idaho, Sydney.
38: Last place you were?
my fridge;)
39: Do you have a crush?
yus :$
40: Last time you kissed someone?
2-3 weeks ago when my "friend" was down:( i miss him
41: Last time you were insulted?
i don't know. doesn't really happen anymore.
42: Favourite flavor of sweet?
rhubarb and custard <3_<3 
43: What instruments do you play??
none, i have a guitar and a keyboard buy cant play then sadly:( 
44: Favourite piece of jewellery?
i don't wear it, I'm not really that type of girl to wear it 
45: Last sport you played?
Football(soccer) like years ago  
46: Last song you sang?
never been hurt by demi lovato
47: Favourite chat up line?
your hair looks nice, it would look good in a picture in my contacts.. along side your number... LOL what no i don't use them.. that's one I've just made up haha 
48: Have you ever used it?
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Thursday last week, me and a few school friends went out for a meal and played pool. then one came to sleep at mine 
50: Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone but Zhiyin ;)


YES, i am aware this isn't the usual thing to probably do on a blog. But i changed up a couple of questions to make it suit a blog. I liked answering it. It made me think for once he he. do it

Monday 7 April 2014

Disney Toy Collection

As i said in my first post, i loved Disney. I thought that i would show you my disney 'toys'.

First of all  i am not trying to brag in anyway. as all bloggers/youtubers say. not trying to show im spoilt almost all of this i have bought with my own money that i have been given for birthdays, and i am aware these aint the best photos.

Buying these pacific ones was a hard decision for me to make, because i love Disney so much. I'd buy them all if i could and if i had the room in my bedroom.

This first photo is my first thing i got. It's Lotso from Toy Story 3(as im aware a lot of you may know). This actually smells of strawberrys heh heh. My mum bought me this when we where in Manchester to see Justin Bieber in concert. She paid £22 for this from the Disney store in the Arndale Centre. 

(All items from now on where bought at Sunderlands Disney store)
This next thing is a bit random. But its mike wazowski eye erasers. i only got this recently. i don't know why i bought it haha. i bought this. i paid £3 and i think it was reduced form £6/7. £3 for 12 erasers isnt too bad in my eyes. This will come in very useful seen as im a art student hehe.

This is three of my mini teddies. I own Stitch, Rex(from toy story) and Baloo(from the jungle book). these where all £7 each. I got Rex and Baloo at the same time around 2 weeks ago now. i couldnt decide whether to buy them or bullseye from Toy Story hehe. But sas you can see i went along with these two. I think i bought stitch just before christmas. i wanted the HUGE one but i wasn't allowed that one as my mum was buying:( .

I think that this one is my favourite. well, i know that this is my favourite. Its a woody doll. Im sure you all know who woody is? If you don't then why are you reading this? go buy Toy story 1,2,3 and watch watch watch!!! i got this the same time as i got the Baloo and Rex teddies. It has his pull string with 15 saying... for example  "theres a snake in my boot". His hat also comes off heh. But the hat ALWAYS falls off, which is a pain in the bum. I paid £25 for this. Seem like a waste of money? yes i have thought of that but its not. i love disneyy and i think that i will have thhis for a long time yet. Even though he just sits there on my shelf. I feel mean shelving him. I don't know why. I've watched too much toy story i think.

This last one is a Simba(from the lion king) pillow. I got my best friend a thumper one for easter so i decided to get one to hehe. This sleeps with me every night now. i want so many of them, they're just so so cute. i got this at the same time as the erasers.(thinking why this isnt near that picture? i forgot i had this so its last). i wish they did a Nala one then they'd be like a cute couple hehe. It makes me feel like i have someone there with me to cuddle up to at night. I don't feel alone with it hehe. You may think i sound sad but its true. 

Enjoy this? tell me what you thought by tweeting me @JusrKatiewbu.


Saturday 5 April 2014

Introducing me

Hello, my name is Katie.

I'm honestly the worst writer ever so id love to see how this blog goes:P 

I'm 16 years old and i grew up on the north east coast of England. well i still live here actually haha. i don't like to really socialise with other people. i just find it hard to make friends:( i got bullied A LOT in ,
my school years. when i was around 14-15 i got bullied at my worst. i wouldn't go to school i stopped talking to everyone and i just hated life. i got depression from all of this. then sadly at the beginning of 2013 my grandad sadly passed away, in late February. that got to me so badly and i got really depressed. i stopped eating i just didn't go to school and because of all this i did really bad in my gcse's. i didn't talk to anyone about it. i just kept it all in. then once i had left school and summer came along so i could go see my family over in the north west, i finally got better and perked up with life and started to enjoy it. then in about december time it all set off again, but this time i dont know why. i still suffer with all this. i wont talk to anyone about anything. i just bottle everything up and cry it out a lot of the time. 

PLEASE! dont think i am trying to get symphony, i just feel like i need to tell somebody. 

im currently about to finish my first year of college( god knows what it is every where else), and to be honest i can't wait to leave college. i do art & design a level 2 and GCSE maths. i enjoyed college for the first couple of months but then i got bored and wanted to change but it was too late to move course and i didnt want to just have a year off college so i stayed in. then after christmas i got really bored and started staying off a lot or going home early. my attendance is really low haha. i still do that now. but now im on easter break and i only have 5 weeks till i leave i've decided it tim to stick in and get all my work finished and up to a distinction work. ive managed to get one so im sure i can manage a few more. im so unsure about what i want to do in september. i always had it in my mind that i was going to be a photographer  but the past few weeks i have got really into animation work but i still want to do photography. choosing life career choices is so hard:(. i only have a few weeks before i have to re-enrol into my college. so i think that i should start thinking. 

I like to watch youtubers. i watch A LOT of youtubers so i couldnt say my favourite. i love love love disney to. like so much. nt a day goes by where i dont watch disney or do something about disney(sad i know)haha. i dont really have any more hobbies:(

The Fault In Our Stars book review.
possible make up reviews.
monthy favourites.
-send em requests on twitter-JustKatiewbu-