Thursday 7 August 2014



First of all, id just like to say sorry for not posting for a while. I have no excuse but to that i couldn't be bothered but now i have the courage to keep it up:). 

Hello everyone, as you've guessed by the title, yes i have a youtube.
I have wanted to do YouTube for a few years now. I have tried to do it twice before hand but the first time i stopped because i got bullied really bad for it and i didnt see the point in doing something at the time that makes me fee useless. The second time i just failed haha. As usual
But now i have realised that  sound let bullies effect what i want to do as a hobby . Its not their life, it mine. So i have created a new youtube channel. Yet again.

I have one video uploaded up to now. Not going to lie its a poo video. im awkward and it goes quiet but, hey its only my first video im sure i will get used to it.

You're probably wondering what my username is. My username is katez anates. I only have one video up at this moment in time, but im sure more will come along soon. So go and subscribe because it is free :). Make sure to comment suggestions for me to film .
